AAA Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference Paper Award

 Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024

The American Academy of Advertising’s (AAA) Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference Paper Award is designed to honor and encourage excellence in DEI scholarship, education, and practice, and enhance the visibility and actions in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion in advertising scholarship, education, and practice.

Nominations take the form of an AAA conference paper focused on advertising DEI issues including, but not limited to race/ethnicity, social identity, gender identity, age, belief system, disability status, national origin, socio-economic status, or any other visible or non-visible differences.


A paper considered excellent in terms of addressing advertising issues related to DEI should focus on an effort undertaken to make progress toward increasing understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in advertising scholarship, advertising education, or the advertising profession/practice.

The rating criteria for Best DEI Conference Paper Award are as follows:

  • Fit with the Mission and Vision of the American Academy of Advertising while advancing DEI in advertising research and education
  • Methodology (all research paradigms are welcome, including theoretical think pieces)
  • Readability (clearly recognizes, explains, and analyzes the nuances of relevant DEI issues)
  • Contribution to the Advertising Field (theoretically grounded, with meaningful practical implications, and goes beyond the description of a DEI program/initiative or experience)
  • Overall Rating

Nomination Process

Authors may self-nominate for this award at the time they submit their paper to the annual AAA conference by checking the designated box in the Confmaster submission platform.

The AAA’s Vice President may nominate additional papers following the paper review process as s/he/they will have access to all papers submitted to the conference and the comments of the conference paper reviewers who may also nominate papers for consideration.

The AAA’s Vice President will collect all nominated papers and provide them to AAA’s DEI Committee for review by December 15th of each calendar year.

The DEI committee will review the submitted papers and notify the AAA’s Executive Committee of their selection by January 30th of each year.

While this award is to be an annual award, it may not be awarded every year. The award will be presented along with other paper awards at the AAA annual conference.